here i sit
feeling the ages i've waited to write to us
as i come into presence, i feel all the planes lining up, like the interworkings of lock mechanisms
it occurs to i, this will be a place of refuge
for me, for you, for we
it takes a considerable amount of effort to calm the sides of my mind that urge me to shut my mouth (or my fingers, as the case is)
'you're going to get bad feedback' 'you'll say something someone doesn't understand, and they will hate you or curse you for it' 'you don't even know what you're saying or why you're saying it'
i am forging forth
i am opening to vulnerability and transparency
there is a story that yearns to be told
this space is rooted in intentions of wholistic integration of various working parts (sometimes seemingly contradictory in nature),
transparent consideration, the wisdom of trees who speak to a natural order,
conscious existence, playful curiosity
i speak to the future, never removed from now
using language appealing to undercurrents immeasurable
but by the unspeakable descriptors of the soul
feeling, we will call it feeling
which is processed through our language, so innately interconnected to language
yet with reverence to the dynamic interplay with and between countless types and degrees of input
i'm already hearing doubts of the clarity of this writing
'will people think this is nonsense' 'this writing style is so vague'
i am open and willing and tending to explore realms beyond literal definition,
taking into account common conception and structure
i am a hybrid
there is much written here that is not written here
we are creating new ways of being never before seen or known
they are unique to this time and place
they are genuinely ours, unknown to others yet beautifully demonstrative
informing us of the expanses of thought, of form, of existence
and ultimately in vast and profound honoring and acceptance of that which already is,
even if we don't know or believe it yet
the goals of this post are
-to introduce the being writing, free from rigid encapsulation or inaccurate (though definitive) descriptors
-to allude to ways of being and communicating that broaden our minds and sense of existence, allowing us to explore worlds and ideas yet unknown and thus
-welcome a opening and playful relationship with this, being human
-encouraging a felt sense of belonging and sustainable engagement with the expressive world around and within us
that covers it for now
stay tuned for further collective awakenings